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Northampton, MA

Deanna F. Cook is a kids' cookbook and kids'  activity book author. She is the author of Cooking Class, Teddy Bear Doctor, The Kids' Multicultural Cookbook, and Kids' Pumpkin Projects. She is also the content director at, a kids cooking kit, and a former editor at Disney, FamilyFun magazine, and Scholastic. 

Deanna's Blog

Cooking with Kids During Covid-19 School Closing

Deanna Cook

During this trying time, I’ve received many wonderful photos of kids baking and cooking together with their families like this one of my adorable niece Rory with her mom Sarah.

Spending time in the kitchen brings a few moments of joy into an otherwise stressful day. Plus, cooking allows kids to keep learning skills like math, science, reading, and critical thinking when their school is closed. It also teaches important values such as kindness and sharing. And the life skill of cooking dinner may become even more important if we have to lean on kids to help feed household members who are unwell.

To support families, I will be starting a recipe newsletter and please sign up for emails to receive free cooking videos, recipes, and learning activity sheets. I also have 25 copies of my children’s cookbooks that I would happily donate and deliver to families who live in my community in the Northampton, MA area if you send me an email.

If your children are inspired to cook dinner tonight or bake cookies, please tag me on your Instagram or Facebook and I will share with my community. It brings me (and so many others) so much joy to see kids in the kitchen.

Stay safe and healthy!

All the best, Deanna (or Deanna Banana as Rory and other kids call me!)


My adorable niece Rory baking chocolate chip cookies from Baking Class!