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Northampton, MA

Deanna F. Cook is a kids' cookbook and kids'  activity book author. She is the author of Cooking Class, Teddy Bear Doctor, The Kids' Multicultural Cookbook, and Kids' Pumpkin Projects. She is also the content director at, a kids cooking kit, and a former editor at Disney, FamilyFun magazine, and Scholastic. 

Thanksgiving Pumpkin Muffins for the Pandemic

Deanna's Blog

Thanksgiving Pumpkin Muffins for the Pandemic

Deanna Cook

This Thanksgiving, I’m grateful for all the letters and photographs I’ve received of kids’ cooking recipes from my books this year—thank you! Cooking is a terrific way to stay busy and spend time together during the pandemic. And this Thanksgiving, when so many of us are unable to travel because of the coronavirus, I hope you and your children enjoy making the holiday meal at home. One of my favorite recipes from Baking Class are these pumpkin muffins. Please share this recipe with your kids and ask them to bake them for Thanksgiving. You’ll feel thankful for their addition to the holiday meal. Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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